The Influence of Multi-Dimensional Factors of Classroom Environment on English Performance


  • Nini Qu Department of Foreign Languages, Northwest Agriculture & Forestry University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China
  • Xiangdong Ding Department of Foreign Languages, Northwest Agriculture & Forestry University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China


Most Chinese learners of English learn this language mainly through formal, teacher-centered English classes. Therefore, the classroom environment
will undoubtedly have indirect or direct impacts on their English learning outcomes. By adopting the China college English classroom environment
assessment scale devised by Sun Yunmei, this paper not only investigated how students perceive their English classroom environment, and but also
determined the correlation between factors of the China college English classroom environment assessment scale and students’ English learning
outcomes in a university in northwest China. There are nine factors in the China college English classroom environment assessment scale: student’s
collaboration, teacher’s support, student participation, task orientation, student cooperation, equality, student responsibility, teacher leadership and
teacher-led innovation. SPSS22.0 was used to analyze the data as it provides descriptive statistical analysis and Pearson correlation analysis. For
this study, 20 classrooms were observed and 40 students and 20 teachers were interviewed. The research results showed that a positive classroom
environment can improve students’ English proficiency. All nine factors of the China college English classroom environment assessment scale show
some correlation with students’ English performances. Among them, classroom participation, student responsibility and student cooperation, have a
higher correlation with student English learning outcomes, while teacher innovation and teacher leadership have a lower correlation.

Keywords: classroom environment, multidimensional factors, evaluation scale, English performance

Cite As

N. Qu, X. Ding, "The Influence of Multi-Dimensional Factors of Classroom Environment on English Performance"
Engineering Intelligent Systems, vol. 29 no. 1, pp. 65-73, 2021.

