Characteristic Analysis of Integration of Enterprises With Vocational Schools and Universities Based on Data Fusion Algorithms


  • Mei Mei Hunan Mass Media College, China


The basic concept ofWeb education resource QoS refers to the combination of availability, security, response time, and throughput-related attributes of a service. The solution uses QoS as feedback data to monitor and handle dishonest service providers and users, which effectively improves the success rate of service selection. Therefore, starting from the measurable and combinable nature ofWeb education resources, we establish a universal evaluation system for the credibility measurement of educational resources according to the diversified needs of educational subjects, and improve the accuracy of the acquisition of educational resources. Taking social demand as guidance, it plays a vital role in cultivating applied talents through
the integration of production and education. The goal of training talent of local colleges and universities is to serve enterprises, service places and industry. Based on the background of the integration of production and education, this paper introduces the idea of mathematical modeling to carry out module teaching to colleges and universities, train talent in accordance with the market demand, and impart knowledge in accordance with the need of the operating post, which gives equal emphasis to ability training and the imparting of professional knowledge.

Keywords: Semantic similarity filtering; Deep learning; Module teaching;Simulation analysis

Cite As

M. Mei, "Characteristic Analysis of Integration of Enterprises With Vocational Schools and
Universities Based on Data Fusion Algorithms", Engineering Intelligent Systems, vol. 27 no. 1,
pp. 27-33, 2019.

