Object Detection and Shadow Detection Algorithm for Computer Vision


  • Bo Zhao Shaanxi Xueqian Normal University, 710000, China


Computer vision is an interdisciplinary research area, enabling computers to get advanced understanding from digital images or videos. From an engineering perspective, it tries to automatically replicate human vision tasks. Computer vision includes the understanding of acquisition, processing, and digital image analysis, as well as the extraction of high dimensional data from the real world, such as the form of decision making. Computer vision is an interdisciplinary field, which involves how to make computer acquire high-level knowledge from digital images or videos. From an engineering perspective, it aims to automate the tasks that the human vision system can do. In the field of intelligent video surveillance, the current foreground detection technology usually has one main drawback: Shadows are usually a part of the foreground. Therefore, how to get clear and
accurate representations in the presence of shadows has become an important aspect of computer vision study. This paper includes an overview of shadow detection methods and explores the hybrid Gauss model based on foreground detection.

Cite As

B. Zhao, "Object Detection and Shadow Detection Algorithm for Computer Vision", Engineering Intelligent Systems, vol. 27
no. 2, pp. 63-70, 2019.

