National Governance Based on Deep Learning and Neural Networks
By examining the governance of big data in local and foreign governments, we can improve government data governance capabilities, reduce the level of risk faced by open data, and improve the quality of data openness, so that data assets can bring real benefits to society and promote social development. In view of the current big data environment, in this paper we carry out a comprehensive investigation and analysis of the ways that foreign governments adopt and implement big data governance, and compare these with China’s own government governance capabilities, in order to identify problems that need to be resolved in the context of big data. Then, according to the specific problem, we find a feasible and scientific path to improve government governance, and propose a big data mining model based on deep learning and a neural network to facilitate national governance, which has practical significance.
Keywords: deep learning, neural network, national governance, model, data analysis
Cite As
Y. Li, "National Governance Based on Deep Learning and Neural Networks", Engineering
Intelligent Systems, vol. 28 no. 3, pp. 133-139, 2019.