Modeling of intelligent decision-making based on cognitive learning and context-aware data


  • Yuwei Yan School of Business, Taishan University, Taian, Shandong, 271000, China
  • Chuanchao Huang Post-Doctoral Scientific Research Workstation, China Merchants Bank, Shenzhen 518040, China


At present, big data has some applications in discovering the laws of things and analyzing problems. However, there are still some
deficiencies in smart decision-making. The paper proposes a cognitive computing model, and then studies the data processing
techniques that may be used in the model and the task scheduling algorithm in a distributed environment. Through the model
analysis, an effective analysis of context-aware data is implemented and the model is simulated. By comparing the initial model
of traditional data with the model proposed in this study, the compared results are presented in the form of statistical charts. The
comparative study shows that the model of this study has better results in processing data and intelligent decision-making and can provide a theoretical reference for subsequent related research.

Keywords: machine learning; big data; decision; prediction

Cite As

Y. Yan, C. Huang, "Modeling of intelligent decision-making based on cognitive learning and context-aware
data", Engineering Intelligent Systems, vol. 26 no. 2-3, pp. 83-89, 2018.

