A Dynamic Monitoring Method of DNA Synthesis Based on Electron Microscopy


  • Mingxu Wang College of Automotive Engineering, Henan Polytechnic Institute, Nanyang 473000, China
  • Yingruo Xu College of Automotive Engineering, Henan Polytechnic Institute, Nanyang 473000, China


DNA synthesis is affected by many variables. The traditional dynamic monitoring method of DNA synthesis has a long response time, and the results of DNA synthesis can be seriously affected in the case of an abnormal situation. Therefore, a new design of the dynamic monitoring method of DNA synthesis based on electron microscopy is required. The dynamic monitoring data of DNA synthesis is collected, the dynamic monitoring indicator of DNA synthesis is established, the task of dynamic monitoring of DNA synthesis is divided, and then the matrix of dynamic monitoring characteristic co-efficient of DNA synthesis based on electron microscopy is constructed. The dynamic monitoring state of DNA synthesis is evaluated, and DNA synthesis is evaluated via the fault tree method. Finally, the dynamic monitoring database of DNA synthesis is established. The dynamic monitoring
data of DNA synthesis is stored in the database, and the data of DNA synthesis is generated to analyze the dynamic synthesis of DNA, in order to complete the dynamic monitoring of DNA synthesis based on electronic microscopy. Experiments show that the designed dynamic monitoring method of DNA synthesis based on electron microscopy is shorter than that of the traditional monitoring method, which can detect the abnormal situation in DNA synthesis in a timely manner, in order to ensure the smooth progress of DNA synthesis tasks.

Keywords: Electron Microscopy, DNA Synthesis, Dynamic Monitoring, Task Division, Monitoring Blind Spot

Cite As

M. Wang, Y. Xu, "A Dynamic Monitoring Method of DNA Synthesis Based on Electron Microscopy",
Engineering Intelligent Systems, vol. 30 no. 1, pp. 5-16, 2022.


