A Fast Detection System for WSN Node Intrusion on the Basis of Association Rules
In order to ensure the healthy development of a network, information security issues need to be addressed from the outset. The establishment of a rapid intrusion detection system is of great significance for medical security and military protection. In this study, a software-defined WSN (ESDWSN) algorithm based on association rules is proposed for an intrusion detection system to solve the security problem. Firstly, the CHC-based fuzzy association rule mining algorithm is optimized, and then the association rules-based algorithm is optimized using a software-definedWSN algorithm. The optimization results for the five association rules show that the lift of the data mining algorithm reaches 2.96505, 2.18890, 2.03460, 1.95000 and 1.94337 respectively; when the minimum support and confidence values are about 0.4 and 0.8, the mining performance of the ESD-WSN algorithm is better; when the minimum support is low, the time-consumption of the FPL1 algorithm and the ESD-WSN data mining algorithm in is low; when the number of iterations is 400, the fitness function value of the ESD-WSN algorithm is low. The proposed software-definedWSN algorithm based on association rules performs well when applied to intrusion detection systems, the detection rate of the algorithm is improved, and the number of false alarms is reduced.
Keywords: association rules;WSN; intrusion detection system
Cite As
Z. Liu, Y. Menni, "A Fast Detection System for WSN Node Intrusion on the Basis of
Association Rules", Engineering Intelligent Systems, vol. 31 no. 5, pp. 337-345, 2023.