Power Conversion Technology of Power Electronics Equipment Based on SiC Conversion Circuit
In order to achieve the power conversion of power electronics equipment and eliminate the over-voltage peak phenomenon during the conversion process, a SiC conversion circuit is designed and applied to the power conversion process. As the power switches of power electronics transformers, SiC devices are frequently applied in isolated bidirectional DC/DC converter units to form SiC converter circuits. Given the phenomenon of doubleactive bridge in a SiC converter circuit, the double-active full bridge phase shift control mode was selected; that is, the driving signals on both sides of H-bridge were controlled by phase differences to convert the different operation states of the SiC converter circuit in one operation cycle to complete the power conversion. The results show that by maximizing the turn-off resistance, the turn-off peak of FET can be reduced, the interference between
electromagnetic wave and power electronic components can be alleviated, and the turn-off safety of FET can be ensured. By determining the angle difference of trigger pulse of different switches, the voltage on both sides of H-bridge can be obtained to achieve power transfer and conversion.
Keywords: SiC; conversion circuit; power electronics equipment; electric energy conversion; double-active bridge; inductive current.
Cite As
X. Yang, H. Liu, "Power Conversion Technology of Power Electronics Equipment Based on SiC Conversion
Circuit", Engineering Intelligent Systems, vol. 31 no. 5, pp. 395-401, 2023.