House of Benefits and Fuzzy Consensus for MuIti-Stakeholder Consensus in PPP


  • Elizabeth Chang Griffith University, Australia
  • Amit Ghildyal NNSO, Department of Defence, Australia
  • D. Perera Griffith University, Australia
  • Saiful Islam Griffith University, Australia
  • Achim Karduck Furtwangen University, Germany


There has been increasing adoption of a Benefit Approach to mega project management including PPP (Project, Program, and Portfolio) in the government sector and large business particularly in the areas of procurement, commercial grade contracts, IT governance, and the innovation investment space. Intangible benefits and unclassified indirect achievable and unquantifiable tangible benefits constitute around 80% of project benefits laid out in procurement contracts. Mega projects or complex contracts involve multiple stakeholders, and each of whom has to be in agreement across the range of benefits. To provide commonly agreed and clarity in understanding different aspects of tangible and intangible benefits, in this paper, we present a House of Benefits (HoB) , which is a visual representation with clear illustration of the Benefit between the stakeholders and their consensus on the agreed Project, Program or Portfolio Benefits. It is important to recognize the vagueness, fuzzy, evolving, and dynamic nature of these benefits which motivate the study of the definition, measurement, monitoring and evaluation of these benefits. We have developed a fuzzy systems-based characterization of these benefits which allows us to address these issues. It also helps to recognize the fact that PPP requires assessment of benefits at the Portfolio, Program and Project levels which are coherent with each other. We have developed a stratified fuzzy systemsbased approach to address this. The House of Benefits is a tool that utilizes a Fuzzy Consensus approach to provide a theoretically underpinning consensus technique for reaching a group decision support to quantify the achievable benefits, determine consensus on the agreed, achievable, tangible and intangible benefits, and measurement metrics so that this is accepted among the different stakeholders. The House of Benefits, as a tool,
will support the measurability and quantification of achievable benefits in a dynamic business and operational environment, enablement of new and emerging benefit identification and helps provide a systematic approach to avoid lack of
accountability or governance failure for mega projects.

Keywords: House of Benefits, Benefit Realisation, Social Fuzzy Consensus, Group Decision Support Systems, Project

Cite As

E. Chang, A. Ghildyal, R. Perera, S. Islam, A. Karduck, "House of Benefits and Fuzzy Consensus for
MuIti-Stakeholder Consensus in PPP", Engineering Intelligent Systems, vol. 31 no. 6, pp. 439-448, 2023.

