Visualization of Architectural Cultural Heritage Model Based on VR Virtual Reality Technology


  • Lin Hu School of Management, South China Business College of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510545, Guangdong, China


In the field of culture and art, virtual reality (VR) can restore cultural relics and historical sites through digital means, providing people with a more convenient means of exhibiting and curating cultural relics, sculptures, and three-dimensional painting. By roaming through 3D virtual ancient buildings, the researcher analyzed the structure of the buildings and obtained sample data. Using this data, preliminary modeling was conducted using 3D Studio Max (often referred to as 3D Max or 3ds MAX). In this article, 3DS Max used surface segmentation technology to simplify the process of model establishment. The researcher constructed the application software framework of the system, and imported it into the initial model, mapped and optimized the initial model, and achieved the 3D roaming control through the 3D virtual ancient building roaming system. When establishing the
model, both the required positions and surface parameters in the model were saved, as well as the relevant information in the model. The visualization of the architectural cultural heritage model is achieved through the system interface. The rating for the dissemination method of virtual architectural cultural heritage models was 93, while the rating for physical architectural cultural heritage was 84. VR technology plays an immeasurable role in protecting architectural cultural heritage and inheriting traditional culture.

Keywords: virtual reality technology, architectural cultural heritage models, model visualization, ancient architecture roaming

Cite As

L. Hu, "Visualization of Architectural Cultural Heritage Model Based on VR Virtual Reality
Technology", Engineering Intelligent Systems, vol. 32 no. 3, pp. 235-243, 2024.

