The Mobile Crowdsourcing-Based Turnover Behaviour of Courier Under Community Group-buying Scenario influenced by Interaction and Service Quality
With the widespread usage of mobile devices within growing communities, community group-buying has emerged as a new trend that is gradually changing people’s lifestyles. In the traditional Internet environment, the interaction between employees create a type social network. However, as the Internet of Things offers a unique distributed network of location-based interactions between employees and customers, the impact of location-based social networks on the behavior of both parties becomes an interesting issue worth exploring. In this context, we proposed a dual interaction model to discuss the turnover behavior of deliverers in the community group-buying scenario. The results showed that employee-customer interaction led
to a two-stage decline in employee turnover, which was different from that in the Internet environment. In order to meet the goal of reducing the rate of employee turnover, it was more appropriate to select the seeding target based on the number of employees’ social relationships than to select the seeding target randomly. Results indicated that managers of crowdsourcing logistics enterprises could determine whether employees were worth the corresponding cost and effort by identifying and positioning their degree of social centralization.
Keywords: crowdsourced logistics; employee turnover behavior; opinion dynamics; catastrophe theory
Cite As
X. Ma, Y. Song, B. Hu, "The Mobile Crowdsourcing-Based Turnover Behaviour
of Courier Under Community Group-buying Scenario influenced by Interaction
and Service Quality", Engineering Intelligent Systems, vol. 30 no. 4, pp. 359-372, 2024.