Sustainability Perspectives: What we can Learn From Alexander von Humboldt
In many presentations, we have seen that people have introduced their friends, they brought a friend - I also brought a friend of mine, my scientific friend, Alexander von Humboldt, and his ideas. I invite you to follow some of his ideas during this speech, during this presentation. First, we will have a look at what Humboldt calls the “Naturgemaelde”. I want to introduce some of his main concepts, some of his main thoughts, and based on these perspectives, I would like to invite you to come with me to visit some what we call “hotspots of climate change”. We will take a closer look on what’s going on there, on the ground, and what the intermingled and multiperspective dimensions are. And at the very end, we try to conclude what we have heard and define a kind of Humboldtian perspective, deriving a mission to approaching various global challenges.
Cite As
G. Falk, "Sustainability Perspectives: What we can Learn From Alexander von Humboldt",
Engineering Intelligent Systems, vol. 30 no. 4, pp. 373-384, 2024.