A solution of travel route planning problem based on improved ant colony algorithms


  • Yinjun Zhang School of physics and electrical engineering Hechi university Yizhou 546300, Guangxi, China
  • Mengji Chen School of physics and electrical engineering Hechi university Yizhou 546300, Guangxi, China


In order for the ant colony algorithm to be applied to the tourism route planning problem, we need the algorithm to obtain the optimal solution with a relatively high probabilitywhen solving the traveling salesman problem. The solution time of the algorithm is relatively short. In this paper, the path selection probability and pheromone updating rules of ant colony algorithm are improved, the local search of the optimal solution is carried out, the solving process of the algorithm is optimized, and the reasonable parameters of the algorithm are determined. Through performance simulation analysis this algorithm has higher search accuracy and a shorter solution time for the traveling salesman problem.

Keywords: Travel Route Planning, Improved Ant Colony Algorithms

Cite As

Y. Zhang, M. Chen, "A solution of travel route planning problem based on improved ant colony algorithms.",
Engineering Intelligent Systems, vol. 26 no. 2-3, pp. 131-137, 2018.

