Emergency Resource Allocation and Scheduling in Differential Distributed Storage System
In order to address the problems of the high energy consumption and poor real-time performance of traditional emergency resource allocation and scheduling methods, an emergency resource allocation and scheduling method for distributed storage systems is proposed. With the proposed method, task requests are prioritized and priority queues are generated. The ant colony algorithm and the particle swarm algorithm are applied for efficient resource allocation, the selection of an appropriate scheduling strategy, and allocation of emergency resources. The experimental results show that the proposed method has strong real-time performance and can reduce energy consumption. Hence, it is highly suitable for emergency resource allocation and scheduling.
Keywords: Differential Distribution, Inventory System, Resource Allocation, Dispatching Method
Cite As
L. Chen, "Emergency Resource Allocation and Scheduling in Differential Distributed Storage System", Engineering Intelligent Systems, vol. 30 no. 2, pp. 115-126, 2022.