Application Research and Case Analysis of Elastic-Net Method in Generalized Linear Model


  • Dengxiang Huang Department of Public Basic Education, Guangxi Financial Vocational College, Nanning 535000, China
  • Chunting Lu Department of Public Basic Education, Guangxi Financial Vocational College, Nanning 535000, China


Traditional methods apply the generalized linear model in risk assessment, data estimation and other fields, but these approaches have problems such as high time cost and poor accuracy. Therefore, this paper incorporates the Elastic-Net method into the generalized linear model to improve the accuracy of the generalized linear model in terms of calculation and classification. Firstly, the general linear model and the generalized linear model are described, and the Elastic-Net method and its related properties are examined. Then, the Elastic-Net method is incorporated into the generalized linear model, and the classification effect of the model is analyzed by means of an example. Experimental results show that when the
Elastic-Net method is introduced into generalized linear models, this can effectively improve the accuracy and efficiency of model classification and the performance of the model.

Keywords: Elastic-Net method; Generalized Linear Model; Classification Results; Data Evaluation.

Cite As

D. Huang, C. Lu, "Application Research and Case Analysis of Elastic-Net Method in Generalized Linear
Model", Engineering Intelligent Systems, vol. 31 no. 3, pp. 239-250, 2023.

